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Book Day

So Book Day was a couple of days ago. I wanted to take a photoshoot of all the books I have read in my life. Put them all on the floor and after the photos, I counted them out of curiosity.
Guess how many there were?
Is it too much? Too few? I don't really know but I read online that one may read up to 6000 books in a lifetime! At my current rate that will take up to 200 years to get done. Oh, well.
 Actually, I haven't done much reading apart from college stuff and I have so many books I want to read. They're waiting on my shelf.
The ones I want to read so bad are Ishmael and Self-Raised from E.D.E.N. Southworth. Have you heard of them? If you haven't read them I highly recommend them. If you like tales of self-made people, at least. For me, it was inspiring to see a young boy strive for excellence while being surrounded by prejudice and rotten circumstances. But I'm not forgetting the great plot and the romance. They are great.
Pride and Prejudice is also high on my read-again list.
Some friends opened a reading club during Quarantine, and the book we are reading is Anne of Green Gables. Reminds me of the good times in my childhood when I had all the time of the world to dedicate to reading.
Also, I'm reading the books of the minor prophets in the Bible with another good friend of mine. Last month we read Amos and now its time for Obadiah.
I hope I can read more in the extra time I have.

Do you have interesting reads this month?


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