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Only 24 hours in a day!?

Lately, so many things have happened. Just as I said: many. And these things to do seem to have suddenly tumbled over me, though not necessarily true.  I really enjoy doing all these tasks and I know it's important to do them, but, yep, I think we all have had this same problem about procrastinating, at one time or another.

It's just at the thick of things when you assume you have so much to do and no time at all. Yet the problem might not be a lack of time. Think of the extra hours one carelessly sleeps, or the time 
wasted in the computer or phones. I personally think we squander time on many un-important things, and then think the day is not long enough when the deadlines arrive. 
As  Mr. Ben Frankin said once, "Dost thou love life? Then do not squander time, for that is what life is made of".

I've learned these couple of weeks that wasted time has a value beyond measure. Using the time diligently avoids various problems. Above all, God gave us this life and the time it contains. Don't waste it!


  1. Absolutely well said, my friend. I do believe the problem is not the lack of time, but the useless things we sometimes waste it on. I hadn't thought about it that way. Because we so usually justify ourselves and think it's not "our fault" that we don't get things done, but the "day's hours". May God keep growing you in His wisdom and grace :) Changachonina says, "So true!" Keep it up!


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