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Europe's Migrant Crisis

 By Natalia S.N. 

                  Due to the civil war on Syria, poverty on Kosovo, violence on Afghanistan, and other issues on countries such as Iraq and Albania, masses of people are fleeing their homeland to seek a better place to live, though many die on the hazardous journey.
                  The U.N. country of Germany has its doors open to immigrants, giving free food and clothing, along with a monthly cash payment of $160. Many migrants arriving in Hungary do not stay and continue on to Germany.  Germany is the country receiving more immigrants, having 222,000 asylum applications.  The month of August of 2015 had the highest number of immigrants reaching more than 100,000.
                  Other U.N. countries are also giving aid to all the migrants. Spain gives six months of financial assistance, after which many go on to more generous countries such as Germany. There is a resettlement plan for those countries receiving too many immigrants, for now only those in Italy and Greece are to be moved to other U.N. countries. In Iceland, which receives 50 asylum seekers per year, twelve thousand families responded to the call of an activist by offering to open their homes to migrants. This is what the activist wrote:
“They are our future spouses, best friends… a drummer for our children’s band, the next colleague, Miss Iceland in 2022…the cook in the cafeteria, a fireman and television host. People of whom we’ll never be able to say in the future: ‘Your life is worth less than my life.’

 I think all these people are a good example as they help other people in need. The Bible says to “Do to others as you would have them do to you.” (Luke 6:31).  The writer of the article did well to present what people said in favor of helping the immigrants and what they said against it. 


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